AGES: Young Toddlers 18 – 24 months by September 1
The Dew Drop is WECP’s newest addition! We are excited to offer a classroom for “transitioning two’s”, children who are not quite 2 or have just turned 2 years of age. As in all our classrooms, the Dew Drops focus on inclusive experiences in the areas of play, science, numbers and letters, nature, independence, learning routines and expectations all with loving guidance to ensure the important development of empathy and compassion. Our Dew Drop Room is a perfect combination of our Sunshines and our Clouds! As of July 2020, we are in the process of welcoming 1 new lead teacher and 2 assistant teachers to our new classroom. We are excited to see our WECP family growing! Stay tuned to welcome our new team members. 🙂