

The Sunshine Room

AGES: Young Toddlers 12–18 months by September 1
The Sunshine Room has eight children with one full time teacher and two full time assistant teachers. In this warm and nurturing environment, our one-year olds are growing and learning each day

WECP Sunshine Room

The Dew Drop Room

AGES: Young Toddlers 22-32 months by September 1
We are excited to offer a classroom for “transitioning two’s”, children who are not quite 2 or have just turned 2 years of age.

The Dew Drop Room

The Cloud Room

The goals for the Cloud children include: feeling comfortable and safe, actively exploring the environment, becoming familiar with classroom routines, and more.

The Cloud Room

The Moonbeam Room

AGES: Preschool ages 2–3
Children in the Moonbeam room are moving away from the toddler years and are learning to apply their newly developing skills in managing their emotions and behavior, communicating effectively.

The Moonbeam Room

The Star Room

AGES: Preschool age 3
Children in the Star room are solidifying their skills playing interactively with other children, in problem-solving and conflict resolution, and in regulating their emotions.

The Star Room

Comets & Rainbows

AGES: Comets (Older 3-year-olds and 4K Program) & Rainbows (4-year-olds and 4K Program)
WECP provides two Pre-K classrooms, “Rainbow Room” and “Comet Room”, that offer testing and report card scoring that aligns with the MMSD.

Comets and Rainbows Room